SKYROS Real Estate

Real Estate services in Skyros island. 

Villas, Houses, Land

"Skyros Real Estate" is a local branch of the Athenian based "Real ATHENS real estate services"

Live in the Aegean

Services immobiliers sur l'île de Skyros. Villas, Maisons, Terrains. Branche locale de l'Athénienne "Real ATHENS services immobiliers"


Living in an Aegean island is a magical way for having a "Living Slow" philosophy of LIFE

Choose Skyros island and enjoy the nature's beauty & the quality of life you deserve

You have to dream the story first...

Greek islands properties


希腊斯基罗斯岛的房地产服务。别墅,房屋,土地。 "Skyros Real Estate"是位于雅典的"Real ATHENS 房地产服务"( 的当地分支机构 正在进行中... 住在爱琴海。

SKYROS недвижимость

Риелторские услуги на острове Скирос - Греция. Виллы, дома, земля. "Skyros Real Estate" - местное отделение базирующейся в Афинах "Real ATHENS real estate services" ( В процессе ... Живите в Эгейском море.

In order for a property in Skyros to be sold, it must first contact the Society & the Markets.

We closely monitor the intense interest of foreign nationals to buy a house in the Greek islands and we communicate with them through the extremely important digital extroversion that we have, in order to inform them about the availability that exists on the island of Skyros.

From these foreign potential buyers, we often receive exploratory questions about holiday homes, plots or even small old houses in Skyros Town. Usually, they have visited the island at some point during their summer vacation, or have friends who have told them about the incomparable beauty of the island & the Eastern Aegean.

Vivre sur une île de la mer Égée est un moyen magique d'avoir une philosophie de VIE "Vivre lentement ". Choisissez l'île de Skyros et profitez de la beauté de la nature et de la qualité de vie que vous méritez.


选择斯基罗斯岛. 享受大自然的美景和您应得的生活品质。

Жизнь на острове Эгейского моря - это волшебный способ обрести философию ЖИЗНИ "Жить медленно" Выберите остров Скирос и насладитесь красотой природы и качеством жизни, которого вы заслуживаете

Das Leben auf einer ägäischen Insel ist ein magischer Weg, um eine "Langsam leben"-Philosophie des LEBENS zu haben. Wählen Sie die Insel Skyros und genießen Sie die Schönheit der Natur und die Lebensqualität, die Sie verdienen

Vivere in un'isola dell'Egeo è un modo magico per avere una filosofia di VITA "Vivere lentamente". Scegli l'isola di Skyros e goditi la bellezza della natura e la qualità della vita che meriti


SKYROS - immobilier

SKYROS real estate - immobilier 
